Professional & dedicated training programs
- LOCATION: DE, 76870 Kandel, Barthelsmühlring 24
- HOST:TeelTechnologies
- LANGUAGE:English
TeelTechnologies Chip-Off Training
The new Teel Tech Chip-Off Forensics Class provides students with a comprehensive education into performing forensics on BGA memory chips used in today’s mobile devices.
The main components are:
- Introduction of the different memory structures (SD card, SSD, mobile phones etc.)
- Best practices to prevent damage to a chip during removal and preparation
- Properly removing a BGA Chip from a device and reading the data
- Cold Chip-Off
- Practicals on the Chip-off process of a locked unencrypted mobile phones
- Only for Law Enforcement
- Attendees should be familiar with data analysis and
- We encourage students to bring their own laptops whenever possible. If this is not possible, TeelTech will provide one for you. If you do plan on bringing your own laptop, indicate so on the registration page and please ensure they meet the following requirements.
Laptop requirements:
- Windows 7
- Windows 8.x and 10.x
- macOS with Bootcamp Windows 7
- macOS with Bootcamp Windows 8.x and Win 10.x
- macOS alone will not work (No Virtual Machines)
- 8GB RAM (minimum)
- 100GB storage (minimum)
- You must have admin rights or have the admin password for software installation.
- NOTE: ALL Windows updates should be done prior to class
Registration Form
Here you have the opportunity to register for the current training. Or contact us for more information.