Professional & dedicated training programs
Oxygen Forensic Bootcamp Training

Why come?
Welcome to the Oxygen Forensic® BootCamp training course!
This three-day instructor-led training event is geared toward students that have a working familiarity with mobile device acquisition and extraction. This course focuses on the analytic analysis and reporting capabilities of the Oxygen Forensic® Detective powered by JetEngine.
Oxygen Forensic® Detective is the flagship technology of Oxygen Forensics and a world-class suite of tools that allow an investigator to ingest mobile device data from all industry standard extraction formats in to a database architecture for single device analysis or multi-device case analytics. The recent implementation of the x64 architecture of JetEngine elevates Oxygen Forensic® Detective to an unparalleled level of optimization, efficiency and analysis.
Course components
- Installation and Support
- Technology Overview
- Home Screen
- Import and Interface
- Sections
- Key Evidence
- Data Export
- Search
- Social Graph
- Timeline
- Maps
- Use your powers for good …
- Comprehensive Lab
- Resources
Students will import multiple extraction formats of Android, Apple and other data types while learning to use the suite of technology to develop workflows that will enable them to return to their environments and immediately apply new ideas.
In addition, students will leave this course with an Oxygen Forensics Learning Management System (LMS) account and in-depth preparation for the new Oxygen Forensic® Detective certification!

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